Tuesday, September 15, 2015


Since I started this business in 1982, I have been seen working by well in excess of a quarter million people. It shouldn't surprise you that I have been approached by average people who own decent cameras. It seems that they know our job better than we do. It ranges from parents of the bride TO DRUNKEN WEDDING GUESTS!. It never ends.... If these people knew half of what they think they know, all of the wedding pros would be in deep trouble. MY advise is to LET THE PROFESSIONALS DO THEIR JOB AND MIND YOUR OWN BUSINESS! If you are that knowledgeable, then get into the business and prove it. Arm chair quarter backs, back seat drivers and now smarter than you video and photographers PLEASE go away. If you think for one second the professional is going to do what you say he should, you are sadly mistaken. I always agree and then shoot whatever I am shooting the way it should be shot no matter what, unless it is good advice, but trust me it isn't. Do they empty the looney bins on the weekends?? One has to wonder. 440-845-2122, J&J Video Productions-Cleveland Ohio, wedding videos-Cuyahoga County Ohio, wedding videos-Parma Ohio, wedding videos-Cleveland Ohio,

Sunday, September 13, 2015


Recently at a wedding, I came across something I have never seen before. That was a wild selfie-stick on the loose on a dance floor at a wedding reception. Yes, I know selfies are fun and apparently the selfie craze is now in full swing. Who doesn't like a selfie? But really, taking onto the dance floor at a reception?? Isn't that taking it a bit too far? The party involved was skyping this reception to some relative in a far away land. I wonder what it would be called if one of those selfie-sticks whacked some 90 year old lady in the head? Would it be considered an aggravated assault. a simple assault or another way to kill grandma...with a selfie-stick instead of a reindeer? Early one Christmas eve, Grandma got killed with a selfie-stick by some drunken bride's maid at a wedding. What is next!! 440-845-2122, wedding videos-Parma Ohio, wedding videos-Cuyahoga County Ohio, J&J Video Productions-Cleveland Ohio,


In the early 1980's, bridal coordinators were unheard of except for extremely wealthy families. They would hire a known professional and pay a fortune to have all aspects of the wedding attended to. Today in 2015, bridal coordinators are everywhere. The highly paid bridal coordinators are not a problem. They can helpful to the bride and groom. Unfortunatley, untrained, unprofessional volunteer church coordinators are very quickly becoming a serious problem for wedding photographers, videographers, florists, musicians, I could go on and on. Don't get me wrong, its a wonderful thing that women want to volunteer their time to help their church, however, stepping into the wedding arena is no place for amateur volunteers. For example, I have been shooting weddings for over 30 years and a bridal coordinator for a church who obviously had a serious mental disability started to tell myself and another highly experienced photographer where we should stand, what we should shoot and how to do our job. We just agreed with her and went about our business as usual, completely ignoring her instructions. I've also had a bridal coordinator...more like a dictator tell us that we could not step beyond a certain pew to take pictures or shoot video. One florist was told where to put her flowers by this idiot. During the wedding service, this woman actually stood guard at line we were not supposed to cross. When is this nonsense going to stop? As professionals in this business, we know exactly where to be, where to stand and what to shoot. These volunteer, unprofessional church coordinators should go visit the sick and needy members of their church where they are really needed and stay out of the churches during weddings. A COMMENT FROM FATA TOM PLASKET, A FORMER RADIO PERSONALITY AND THE OWNER OF A HIGH END VIDEO PRODUCTION COMPANY... Joe, my old Pal, I could not agree more. Selfie sticks, as well as selfies, in general, are a menace to society, and softening our societal makeup. With this spreading mindset that every little thing, every person does, is worthy of memorializing in a digital medium, and transmitting to the world, that every meal, three times a day, is something that must be shared with God knows who, for God knows why, is the very foundation on which our entire nation's sense of entitlement is based. Ban selfies, and the sticks they rode in on!!! wedding videos-Cleveland Ohio, wedding videos-Parma Ohio, wedding videos-Cuyahoga County Ohio, J&J Video Productions-Cleveland Ohio, 440-845-2122